The Camosciara
A magnificent amphitheater in the heart of the protected area
Take the road from the Camosciara Services Center to the square of the Camosciara.
Along the way there are wonderful views of the 'amphitheater' of the Camosciara, and if you look carefully you may see some red deer grazing in the clearings.
The last stretch of the road flanks the Scerto river, with its crystal-clear waters, and there is a luxuriant riverside vegetation of willows,
ash, flowering ash, Villetta Barrea black pine, beech, oak, maple and other trees.
From the Camosciara square take the path that leads to Belvedere della Liscia. Initially you will go through relatively young beech woods, then the path becomes steeper and from it there are some impressive views.
The vegetation is more varied than before, with Villetta Barrea black pine, maple, flowering ash and laburnum, as well as the brightly-colored blooms of anemones, primroses and gentians.On the last stretch of the walk the surrounding peaks come into view, while in the sky you may see choughs and jays, and possibly even a golden eagle. Chamois are seen at certain times of the year, and with a bit of luck it is possible to see bear and red deer.
The trail ends at the Belvedere della Liscia Refuge, which is used by the Park's Surveillance Service.
To go back return along the same trail.
Colle Santo Janni
A short walk in the wild
The trail begins at Civitella Alfedena. Initially the mule-track leading up to the locality of Decontra in the direction of Colle Santo Janni is quite steep and surrounded by black pines, where you might catch sight of a squirrel hopping nimbly from one branch to another.
After a few minutes the path levels out and the pine forest gives way to mixed wood and higher up to the shadier and damper beech forest. This is the natural habitat of red deer, whose loud baying can be heard at the beginning of autumn, the mating season. In the woods you may hear the shrill, rapid chirruping of tits and other small birds hiding in the foliage of trees and bushes. The itinerary ends at Colle Santo Janni where there are wide clearings frequented by both large and small herbivores.In the background, from left to right, are the peaks of the Camosciara, Monte Amaro and Monte Marsicano, and behind us Monte Mattone with its extensive covering of Villetta Barrea black pine.
From the pass, where we suggest you stop to observe and enjoy the surroundings, it is possible to continue the excursion along the G2 itinerary, which in about thirty minutes leads to Prato del Molino, on the Camosciara road. Along this scenic trail, heady with scents and fragrances, you may see some birds of prey in flight, and with a little luck even the golden eagle.
In the period between spring and the beginning of summer the path crosses clearings covered in a multitude of gaily-coloured flowers.
Valle lannanghera
A green valley in the heart of the Park
One of the most well-known itineraries in the Park. In just a short time it brings you deep into the heart of the protected area.
From Civitella Alfedena take the path following signs for Valle lannanghera. The path passes by the village and then heads off in the direction of the valley. There are fine views over Lake Barrea and the surrounding mountains, including Monte Greco (2,285 m).
Every now and then it is worth stopping to observe the sky with your binoculars for a glimpse of a bird of prey in flight.
In the clearings it is not uncommon to see hare on the run and find traces of the Park's larger mammals
The wood becomes denser and more interesting, heady with distinctive scents and fragrances. Bears and wolves are the most important residents of this ancient forest.
Continue following the park markers. It is very important to proceed as quietly as possible in order to fully appreciate the surroundings.
After a brief but attractive walk, the trail reaches the lannanghera spring (1,230 m) on the slopes of Monte Jannazzone (1,738 m), the source of the stream of the same name whose waters flow abundantly even during the summer.
From this point begins the beautiful wooded lannanghera valley which rises towards Forca Resuni.
The return trip can be made either along the same route, or along the J2 itinerary, which goes to Colle Ciglio on Lake Barrea. From Colle Ciglio follow the ]3 trail along the lake to reach the road leading to Civitella Alfedena. This walk takes about two hours, but is well worth the effort for the rich and varied scenery.
Val di rose