Useful information


Civitella Alfedena is situated in the middle of Abruzzo National Park, between Roma and Naples. It is the oldest village of the High Sangro Valley. Near Civitella Alfedena has been created, the last years, the biggest Strice Nature Reserve existing in Italy, where many specimens of the rare and precious fauna of Abruzzo and Italy may be seen very easily: Marsican Brown Bear, Abruzzo Chamois, Appennine Wolf, Golden Eagle, several others mammals and birds. Amid secular beech woods, fresh waters and pure air, Civitella Alfedena is the most important base for the visit of the Park and for very interesting walking tours. Civitella Alfedena: a new type of tourism, group and cultural facilities in the historic centre, nature trails, quiet and appealing walks, Visitors Centers.

Identity card


population 306

altitude 1,121 m

park centers


Zone Office, Visitors' Center, Wolf Museum and Wildlife Area, Lynx Wildlife Area.
excursions and walks
(Gl) Casone Antonucci - Base della Camosciara: 40', E
(G2) Prato del Molino - Valico Colle Santo Janni: 20', E
(G3) Colle Jajacque - Camosciara: 50', M
(G4) Colle Jajacque - Camosciara: 1 h, M
(G6) La Camosciara - Belvedere della Liscia Refuge: 1 h, D
(G5)  Waterfalls 
(I1) Civitella Alfedena - Forca Resuni Refuge throughthe Val di Rose: 3 h, D
(I 2) Civ. Alfedena - Colle Jajacque: 30', E
(I 4)    Civ. Alfedena - V. Jannanghera: 1 h, M
(I 5)    Civitella Alf. - Colle Pizzuto: 30', E

(INI) Wolf Nature Trail - Pine forest

(IN2) 'Pine forest and lake' Nature Trail
Medieval village, the fiefdom of many families, conserving typical characteristics. Parish Church of San Nicola (1600); Sanctuary of Santa Lucia (pilgri­mage destination); tower (1330-1400).
" la Rotonda " terrace: pine forest of Santa Lucia.
local festivals
Feast-day of Santa Lucia (second Sunday of July); feast-days of San Nicola and Madonna del Carmine; 'Sagra della Scurpella' (a fried sweet with a secret recipe) in August; end-of-year candle-lit procession (30 Dec.) from Mount Mava.
traditions and customs
Typical crafts with handmade fabrics, painted ceramics, honey production.
Almond sweets.



Open all year round from 10 am to 1 pm and from 3 to 5 pm, including weekends. Partial access for the disabled. (Tel. 0864/890141)

apennine wolf museum

Dedicated to the biology, ethology, history, culture and legends regarding this elusive predator and its relationship with man. There is also a special area for environmental interpretation and it is possible to view nature films.

zone office

At the Wolf Museum. The Office organizes guided tours and provides information about participating in the special educational and environmental interpretation activities organized by the Park Authority.

education services office

At the Wolf Museum. Open all year round. This is a special office for the practical organization of the Park's educational and environmental interpretation pro­grams, as well as volunteer activities. (Tel./fax 0864/890141).

apennine wolf wildlife area

In an enclosure of about ten acres a wolf pack lives in a state of semiliberty. It is the only place in the world where it is possible to observe this important predator at close quarters.

lynx wildlife area

Several examples of this mysterious feline live in a wild area, observable from a terrace at the edge of the town or from a special lookout.

public areas

Various stops and observation points, picnic areas with tables and benches, and a field for sports activities, give visitors the opportunity to relax and admire the surrounding countryside.